Would you like to have a significant impact as together we “multiply disciples, leaders, and churches” well into the future?  Become a Multiply Legacy Circle member by including Sunlight Community Church or Multiply222 Network in your will.  Such a gift will ensure your passion for multiplying disciples and multiplying churches continues.

We Are Here to Help

To establish a planned gift and become a member of the Multiply Legacy Circle, please contact Bob Crow, Chief Development Officer at (616) 446-3009 or rcrow@multiply222.com.

Are you already giving to Sunlight Community Church or Multiply222 Network in your will?

We know that many of our supporters care deeply about our shared mission to “multiply disciples and multiply churches” and that some have already decided to include us in their will. If you have already made either Sunlight Community Church or Multiply222 Network a part of your will, please let us know. We would love the opportunity to officially thank you for your incredible support and confirm your inclusion in the Multiply Legacy Circle.

We Partner with Barnabas Foundation

To assist supporters like you in this process, we are privileged to partner with Barnabas Foundation, a recognized provider of Biblically-based planned giving. Barnabas works with donors like you to develop an estate plan which meets your individual and family needs and reflects your values. Barnabas Foundation’s confidential estate planning expertise is available at no charge.

Helpful Resources:

Smart & Powerful Giving – Increase your impact through planned gifts

How to Give Through Your Will   –  A guide to all the ways you can support the Multiply222 Network/Sunlight Community Church.

Planned Giving Options   –  A guide to planned giving options available to you through our partnership with Barnabas.

7 Reasons to Review You Will  – A helpful worksheet to assess your need to review your estate documents.