Partner Ministries
God is at work in Port Saint Lucie through a number of different ministries.
We love supporting several local ministries and highlighting them for you to see if they are a right fit for you as well.

Guardian ad Litem
The Florida Statewide Guardian ad Litem Office represents abused, abandoned and neglected children in court and the community. Through the collaboration of a multi-disciplinary team, the Florida Guardian ad Litem Office team provides quality, independent legal representation for these children while assisting them in expressing their needs and wishes. This unique approach supports the whole child, addressing their physical, educational, mental, emotional, social, and legal needs.
Guardians ad Litem become people our most vulnerable children can trust, helping be their voice and an adult from their community who will be a consistent, positive presence in their life. As a team, the Florida Guardian ad Litem Office provides powerful, effective, high-quality advocacy with one goal: that every child finds a safe, loving, permanent home where they can thrive. To learn more about how to get involved and make a difference in a child’s life today, click the link below.

Looking for unplanned pregnancy solutions? We’ve got your back!
We believe women making reproductive health decisions deserve a place that does not financially benefit from any decision they make. We provide pressure-free, discreet care, and quality care without the sales pitch. Whatever circumstances you are facing, we’ve got your back.